Dominik Lejman

I make ghost-paintings.

60 s Cathedral, 2011, projected video mural.

6 Questions to Dominik Lejman

Polish artist, living and working in Poznan/ Poland and Berlin.

What is your art about?

My work can be compared with the cinema theatre with lights on at the end of screening. This describes both the appearance of my work as well as how to me it reflects the contemporary reality. I make ghost-paintings. You can also call it painting with timecode. It combines on one surface the projected, performing image (ghost figure) and depicted space (stage), both of equal importance.

What is fertiliser for your work?

Anything, which allows me to stay on its surface when gaining the deeper meaning. Anything, which as the document, can be staged – projected on canvas, wall or any other chosen surface, with its site-specific context.

Who or what has recently impressed you?

Mariano juggling with skulls (sometime ago).

Have a beer with an artist of your choice? Whom?

Douglas Allsop for a beer. With Luc Tuymans I’d rather have a vodka. Piotr Kurka for whisky.
Leon Tarasewicz for Polish ‘bimber’. Krzysztof Wodiczko for wine.

What would you do with five euro found in the streets?

Toscanello cigars. 5 Euro at Alexanderplatz.

Snow or rain? 

Snow. Better for skiing and projecting images onto it.

60 s Cathedral, 2011, projected video mural, Valgus Festival, curator: Mário Caeiro, commissioned by ARTICHOKE for SKYWAY LIGHT FESTIVAL, Toruń, Poland; VALGUS FESTIVAL, Tallinn, Estonia; and LUMIÈRE, Durham, United KIngdom, in the framework of LUX SCIENTIA, 2011
 Marcin Szot
 Jacek Łącki
 Krzysztof Kiebała Markiz Białecki Grzegorz Szusta Kinga Komorowska Jarosław Szot Dominika Godlewska Robert Wolski
 Amelia Bobowska Maciej Machowicz Dariusz Banaszkiewicz Robert Przytuła Sebastian Matejek Maciej Węgrzecki Witold Kielerz Maciej Król Artur Karwowski Grzegorz Leonow
 Anna Dzido
 Agnieszka Szczerbakow Marcin Laszuk Agata Chmielak 
Izabela Pilarczyk
 Laura Stachowska
 Dariusz Filipowski
 Artur Ceran
 Marek Nowakowski 
Jump coordinator: Dariusz “Dafi’
Camera: Jarosław “Widget’ Szot, Artur “Bravos’ Ceran Special thanks to Artur Karwowski Documentary stills: Jakub Łączny 
Curator: Mario Caeiro
Funded by The European Commission Culture Fund, courtesy ŻAK | BRANICKA

60 s Cathedral, 2011, projected video mural, Valgus Festival.

Stealth Painting, 1999, acrylic on canvas, double video projection, 200 x 200 cm.

 Stealth Painting, exhibition view, Vigeland Museum 2005, Jack Helgessen Collection


Yo Lo Vi (II), 
2007, acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm,
double projection (video projection + time-delayed gallery surveillance), Signum Foundation Collection

Difficult to juggle with skulls, 2013-14, acrylic on canvas, video projection, 185 x 200 cm, courtesy ŻAK | BRANICKA

Portrait of a Philosopher: Warren Niesluchowski, 2013, acrylic on canvas, video projection, 130 x 150 cm, 2013, studio view


All images © Dominik Lejman

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