I give myself deadlines, but never make it.
Karkhana, 2014
6 Questions to Aldo van den Broek
Dutch artist, living and working in Berlin.
What did you have for breakfast today?
I had some coffee, but I still might go for a late English breakfast today.
What is fertiliser for your work?
Time pressure. I give myself deadlines all the time, but I never make it. Only the most important one – the last one.
Which place is missing you?
My next solo show that I’m working on right now is called ‘FERNWEH’. It’s a German word which means the longing for a place you’ve never been or a person you’ve never met, or as in my situation, doesn’t even exist…
Have a beer with an artist of your choice? Whom?
That would be Tom Waits, then we can always blame the piano afterwards…
What are you doing on sundays at 3pm?
Sending you a text message about what I’m doing, because right now I really don’t know.
Mustard or honey?
Studio view.
Palimpsest Tblisi I, 2014
Palimpsest Tblisi I, 2014
Palimpsest Tblisi I, 2014
Palimpsest Tblisi I, 2014
Studio view.
BLOK novi, BLOK lV, BLOK ll, 2013
Belgrade I, 234 x 267 cm, installation view, 2013
Obscura III, 2015
Studio view.
very cool artworks! great artist