I’m inspired by the way everything is connected with each other.

Die Sprache, 2014, diverse materials, 105 x 86 x 10 cm

6 Questions to Johannes Weiss

German artist, living and working in Berlin.

What is your art about?

It´s all about the question of form. How does a sculpture achieve its effects. There is a challenge between the haptic and the visual. Something is rough or smooth, light or heavy, shiny or matte, for example. Sculpture is about volume, surface, material, statics and also the presentation and the sourrounding space.

What is fertiliser for your work?

It is not only nature that inspires me, and also not only the knowledge about it. The same for the things in everyday life, or objects themselves. Inspiring for me is the way everything is connected with each other.
The fertilizer of my work are the joints of actors, things, objects, plants, animals, etc. with the collective.
Their interconnectedness is what really fuels my work.

Who or what has recently impressed you?

The work “L`Oiseau dans l`espace” from Brancusi. He made it around 1923. This work is one of my all time favourits and it impresses me again every time I see it. This sculpture is an absolutely beautiful and cosmic work, it´s elegant and strong. But also Brancusi himself – how he managed space, his system of references, his dialog between plinth and figure – he is such a complex artist.

Have a beer with an artist of your choice? Whom?

The guy who carved “die Venus vom hohlen Fels”. Unfortunately he is dead.
But I would also love to go on a date with Dorothy Iannone, Martha Rosler and Rosemarie Trockel all together.
I would like to discuss with them about form and images.

What would you do with five euro found in the streets?

With 5 Euros, I would buy twelve eggs.

Snow or rain? 

A warm summer rain is very nice. 35 degrees and a wet thunderstorm.
But in winter I prefer snow, of course.

Der Trickster, 2014, styrofoam, epoxy, MDF, 180 x 100 x 100 cm

Studio view.

Studio view.

Johannes and Wenzel.

Die seismische Psyche, styrofoam, epoxy, ceramic, 165 x 70 x 50 cm

Venus, mach`s gut, 2014, ceramic, MDF,
180 x 40 x 30 cm

Der ewige Wanderer, 2014, styrofoam, epoxy, willow branches,
180 x 60 x 60 cm

All images © Johannes Weiß

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